Abstract Submission Guidelines



The abstract submission guidelines intend to provide clear instructions for the abstract submission. Prospective authors are encouraged to read the guidelines below carefully. The Scientific Committee and Advisory Board reserve the right to reject any abstract that does not meet the requirements or is in violation of them.


1. All abstract Submission should be sent via QR code (you can find the QR code on Calling For Abstract page).
2. The Scientific Committee invites the submission of original scientific materials that are unpublished at the time of the abstract submission deadline.
3. Research types and topics:

  1. Preclinical research: Basic laboratory research (physiological or molecular biological research or animal models) that has practical implications for primary care.
  2. Translational research: Research that reports data about the translation of preclinical knowledge into clinical applications (e.g., phase 1 clinical trials).
  3. Clinical study/ trial: Research that reports epidemiological data, specific disease states (e.g., risk factors of a disease, evaluation of diagnostic techniques and therapies), data about the safety or benefits of a primary care intervention (e.g., medications, training method, teaching concept, behavioural change, etc) in human subjects.
  4. Systematic and scoping review : Comprehensive review of literature that synthesised quality and practical evidence in primary care.
  5. Clinical case report/ case series (Poster only): Report that has practical, novel or innovative learning points from primary care cases.
  6. Quality improvement initiative study (Poster only): Research with a framework to systematically improves patients’ care (eg., clinical audit programme).
  7. Community project (Poster only): Project done at the community level aimed at giving awareness, education or improving certain clinical conditions (eg:, screening or intervention programme).

4. Do not submit the same study in multiple abstracts. Abstracts that appear as more than one version of a single study will be rejected.
5. Abstracts should be submitted in clear British English (BrE) to allow the reviewers to focus on the scientific content of the abstract.
6. Abstract text : Limited to 250 words.
7. Abstracts should be checked for grammar and spelling errors. Abstracts cannot be modified once submitted.
8. All abstract submissions must strictly follow the template provided. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification.
9. All accepted abstracts will be published in the Malaysian Family Physician (MFP) journal.
10. Deadline for abstract submission is 17th May 2024. Accepted abstract participants must register for the conference by 1st August 2024.


The abstract submitted should have significant content in the field of primary care. A panel of local experts will review the abstracts for suitability before being accepted. There is no limit to the number of submissions per participant. The corresponding author will receive a confirmation of acceptance for oral or poster presentation via email by 24th June 2024. Authors of abstracts selected for an oral presentation will be informed about the date of the session, and presentation guidelines will be provided. Poster presenters will be informed about the date of the poster session, and will receive guidelines for their presentation.

Any 26th Family Medicine Scientific Conference’s committee members who wish to submit their abstracts must follow the following conditions:

  • The paper consists of other authors who are not part of the committee members; AND
  • For both oral and poster submission, the first or corresponding author should not be the committee members; AND
  • For oral presentation, the presenter should not be the committee members.


If the author/s wishes to withdraw their abstract, they are requested to do so in writing via email to the abstract committee secretariat before 1st August 2024.

Prior to abstract submission, ensure that the following is agreed upon by all authors:

  1. Be aware that their names will appear on the abstract and all authors agree to the submission and presentation of the results.
  2. Understand that the poster and/or oral presentation may be photographed, videotaped and/or recorded via other media means during the conference.
  3. Understand that all possible patent and copyright issues must be resolved before submission.

Please download the abstract submission template here:

1.For case report/series:

2. For clinical research/ reviews/ and others :

3. For quality improvement initiative study/ community projects:

For further enquiries, kindly email